How Double Glazed Windows Help Reduce Heating Costs

uPVC windows are a great investment for your home because they offer a stylish look, reduce carbon footprint and lower heating costs. Why? The answer is simple – they have excellent insulation properties! This means that the heat from inside your house cannot escape through them as easily.

How uPVC Windows Work?

Double-glazed windows are an excellent way to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. They also provide protection from noise pollution, which can be quite bothersome during sleep hours or other times you need to concentrate. Double glazed windows provide a great way to keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. These windows use two panes of glass with an air gap between them, acting as insulation when you want the outside cooler than inside. 

How this affects your bills?

Each home loses around 10% of its warmth through the windows, so it’s important to have energy-efficient ones. This means that your heating can do less work and maintain an appropriate temperature for longer periods in order to reduce time spent on maintenance with cheaper bills!

What you need to know?

When it comes to choosing new windows, knowing which ones are the most efficient will provide you with peace of mind. There are two other rating systems provided by CERTASS and BSI that give insight into how your home’s energy is being used so make sure they’re familiarized before making any decisions. The British Fenestration Rating Council (BFRC) has created a rating system to help you identify which windows are the most efficient. The A+ grade offers the highest energy efficiency, while G is lowest. Make sure you refer to them while replacing your windows.

Upgrade your windows now and start saving on energy bills! Get in touch with our team and we will guide you through the process!

French, Sliding vs Bifold Doors – Which Type To Choose?

Choosing the right door for your home is an important decision. There are many types of doors available on the market, including bifold, french and sliding type doors. They all have their own unique features that make them stand out from one another. One thing you need to keep in mind when choosing a door type is the size of your doorway or opening into which it will be installed. The width can vary depending on what type of door you want to install but also how much space there is around the doorway itself. Read or blog post about the differences between the 3 types and see how to choose the right one for your home depending on your expectations, preferences and budget!

French Doors

French doors can be configured to open inward or outward, and this is a decision that should be made based on the needs of your home.  If you have limited space in front of the door, then it may make sense for you to install an inward-opening door so that there is less wasted square footage on either side of the frame. However, if you want easy access from both sides of the house and don’t need any more room than what your current doorway provides, then consider installing an outward-facing door instead.

Sliding Doors

If you’re looking for a space-saving solution that will still look stylish, then sliding doors are perfect. They take up less room than traditional hinged doors and they provide an unobstructed view of the patio and garden. They come in a wide range of colours and are very energy efficient. Their popularity makes them one of the most affordable and versatile options.

Bi-fold Doors

If you’re looking for a way to keep your home warmer and more secure, then bifold doors could be the answer. These doors are great for blocking out drafts and noise from outside, as well as any unwanted intruders. They also help to make your home look stunning with their sleek appearance. For all of these reasons and more, bifold doors may be perfect for you!

We hope you have found this blog post helpful in understanding the different types of door styles out there and which one may be best for your needs. If you are still confused, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our team is always happy to consult with homeowners on how they can make their home more beautiful by adding a new door. 

What To Look For When Choosing Windows & Doors For Commercial Buildings

If you’re building or renovating a commercial space, it’s important to know what your needs are and which window or door will best suit them. There are many different factors that will determine which type of window or door is best for your commercial building. It’s important to research what options would work  with your budget and needs before you make a final decision. The doors and windows you choose need to be heavy duty and have to meet safety standards. Read more to see what to look out for when choosing the windows and doors for your commercial project!


Safety is paramount for commercial buildings. If you’re looking for quality windows and doors that don’t compromise safety or security, aluminium windows and doors are a solution with a high level of durability and strength. The design won’t only work well in heavy duty areas but also provide easy access to fresh air anytime it’s needed.


Heavy duty aluminium windows and doors are perfect for high traffic areas. The aluminium is strong enough to withstand harsh weather conditions without rusting or chipping the paint job over time. Alternatively, composite doors are also very sturdy and can work well in commercial buildings.


The right window and door system can help your commercial building retain heat, increase safety for employees, lower energy costs and more. However, what’s also important is the design and appearance. Your windows and doors need to match the aesthetic of your building. For modern or industrial applications, curtain walling is the perfect solution. It not only provides energy efficiency and durability but also adds style and sophistication. 

Choosing the appropriate type of door or window for your commercial property is an important decision that should be made carefully if you want to get the most out of this investment. If you’re looking for a durable material that won’t break down over time, consider aluminium windows and doors BBL Windows. We offer a range of models which are suitable for all types of commercial applications. Contact us today to learn more about our products!

How To Maintain Composite Doors?

Composite doors are one of the most popular types of front doors on the market. These durable doors can withstand extreme weather conditions while still providing great insulation and energy efficiency. They are a great choice for durability and strength, but they require some maintenance. To keep your door looking beautiful for years to come, follow these tips from our experts at BBL Windows!

Clean them regularly

It is important to care for your composite doors regularly and make sure they are always in working order. Remember that composite doors need warm soapy water and a soft cloth for cleaning instead of harsh chemicals or scrubbing tools like steel wool sponges. This will ensure the longevity of these beautiful entryways into your home.

Check hinges and handles

When you are purchasing a new composite door, it is important to take into account the maintenance that will be needed over time. We recommend using a light lubricant for your hinges and handles as they can become stiff or rusty with age.

Inspect gaskets

If you’re looking to avoid any future problems with your doors and keep them in good condition, make sure the gaskets are always properly installed. They should be slid back into their grooves if they come loose or damaged.

Lubricate all moving parts

When it comes to your door hardware, it’s good to lubricate all moving parts every few months for optimal function. This is an easy yet important maintenance task that will keep these elements from sticking and ensure a smooth opening and closing process which helps prevent wear on both the handle and the letter plate. 

It’s important to put the time and effort into maintaining your composite door to save money in repairs. The material is durable, but it still needs care from homeowners that want their investment to last for years. If you have any questions about how best to maintain your composite door, feel free to contact us!

How To Brighten Up Dark Home

Do you feel like your home is dark and gloomy? If so, it’s time to brighten up your space. Windows and doors are a great way to let in the natural light from the outside. With more natural light inside, you’ll have more energy and be able to focus better and also, there is nothing like the sun rays that come in from a window to make you feel better during the day. See some of the ideas on how to brighten up your space for a better mood and more attractive appearance!

Add a mirror

If you want to bring more light into your home, consider adding a mirror. Hanging a mirror will reflect sun rays back onto the room and give it some extra brightness for not much work on your part! Alternatively, if you have enough space outside or near your windowsill, try planting something like ferns or succulents to help bounce light around the room and fill any dark corners. 

Hang some artwork

One way to add more light to a room is by adding some art into the mix – and we’ve found it doesn’t need to be limited to paintings on the wall. Mixing abstract pieces with travel photos gives our space both depth and dimension while also adding a sense of brightness.

Invest in bifold or sliding doors

Bifold or sliding door can make an ordinary space feel more spacious and bright, while also adding value to your home. If you haven’t already considered installing one of these doors in your own house, we hope this blog post will convince you that it’s time to do so! These doors can completely transform your home and can add an abundance of light even to the gloomiest of spaces.

Add a roof lantern

Roof lanterns flood the space with natural light and can create a sense of added space.They also make a stunning focal point. If you’re looking to install this stunning feature, look no further than BBL. We specialise in installing roof lanterns that bring light from the sun into a building while also providing excellent insulation and keeping sound out. Not only do these features mean you can enjoy natural lighting without having to worry about paying costly electricity bills, but they also help keep unwanted noise levels down. So if you want an eco-friendly way of enjoying all the benefits of a traditional roof lantern, get in touch with us today for a free quote.

We hope you found this blog post to be helpful. If there are any other questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out! One of our specialists would love to help you find the perfect option for your home and make sure it’s a great fit for your needs.

5 Benefits Of A Brighter Home You Didn’t Know About

Living spaces just look better when they’re bright and well-lit. That’s because light can make any room feel larger than it really is. And let’s face it, we all want our homes to be as beautiful as possible, don’t we? It doesn’t matter if you live in a small apartment or a big house, there are ways to bring more light into your home. Bright homes feel more welcoming and appealing and are more popular among buyers and tenants. See some other benefits that they offer below!

Improved mental & physical health

One of the best things about more light in your home is that it can help with mental health and mood. There’s also evidence that increased exposure to natural sunlight can lower the risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). And if you’re working from home it’s even more important as natural light is better for your eyes than artificial lighting. The natural light from the sun also helps produce vitamin D, which is essential for a healthy immune system. In addition to helping us stay happy and healthy, natural light also provides a sense of peace and calmness. 

Increased value

When you think of a house, what comes to mind? For many people, they’ll imagine a cosy home with lots of natural light. Places that are bright and welcoming tend to be more desirable than those that are dark and dreary. This is because these homes can make the owners happier as well as provide higher resale values in the future.

Energy savings

With brighter homes that receive more natural light, you can save money by reducing the amount of hours you need to use artificial lighting. The sun also provides warmth, which in turn helps reduce costs of heating. You can also increase your savings further by installing energy-efficient windows that will help keep the outside environment from impacting inside temperatures.

As you can see, bright spaces offer a number of benefits. Apart from an inviting and comforting feel for visitors, it can also increase property value and help with resale.

Brightness makes rooms seem larger than they really are and natural light is proven to be healthy for humans in many ways including improving mood and helping with sleep patterns at night. If you are ready to brighten up your home, contact us today and see how we can help you transform your property with our quality range of windows, bi-fold doors and stunning lantern roofs – perfect for flooding your home with plenty of natural light!

How To Turn A Conservatory Into A Dining Room

Many homeowners are looking for ways to maximise the space in their homes. One way is through transforming a conservatory into an additional living or dining room. 

The benefits of this are that it will be more spacious and more private than your kitchen. Converting your conservatory to a dining room is also significantly cheaper than building an extension or moving house. A conservatory also makes the most of natural light and allows ventilation. See some of our ideas on how a dining room can be created in your conservatory with just a few adjustments.

1. Find a dining table that will fit in the space

It is important to consider how you plan to use your dining area before choosing a table for dining room seating. There are different lengths and shapes to dining tables so it is important that the one you choose will be able to fit without having extra pieces sticking out into the room or hallway.

2. Add some chairs and a chandelier for light 

If you’re looking for some easy ways to add light in your new dining room, and want to make a space feel more inviting, the first thing that we suggest adding is a chandelier or hanging fixture. This will provide an ambient light source that can be used during the day as well as at night when it’s dark outside. In addition, comfortable, decorative chairs are a great way to create an inviting, cosy atmosphere.

3. Add a rug to cover up any stains on the floor 

If you are looking for a way to cover up any stains on your floor, consider adding a rug. Rugs come in all styles and colors, so you can choose one that matches the rest of your home decor. They also add an extra layer of warmth near the ground where we spend most of our time.

4. Paint all the walls white or another neutral colour

A home should be a place of comfort. When it comes to the interior design, paint can bring that feeling into reality. It’s not as expensive or time-consuming as one might think, and it’s something anyone can do themselves (no need for professional help). Painting your walls with neutral colours will have an immediate impact on your dining room and is a great way to add coziness.

As you can see, it’s pretty easy to turn your conservatory into a dining room with only a few small adjustments. With very little effort, you can create a welcoming, cosy space without the need for extending your home. Transform your conservatory today or have one installed if you haven’t done that yet! BBL Windows are here to help you improve your living space! Get in touch today for a free consultation and a no-obligation quote.

4 Reasons to Choose Aluminium Windows

From uPVC to aluminium and casement to sash, when it comes to replacing your windows, with so many different styles and materials to choose from, it can quickly become overwhelming. 

Aluminium is one window material that is a favourite with homeowners thanks to its durability and long lifespan. And the benefits don’t end there. 

In this article, we take a closer look at aluminium windows and 4 reasons why you should make the switch today. 

Benefits of aluminium windows 

  1. Security 

When choosing new windows, security is something that is a priority in order to best protect your home from break-ins. As far as security is concerned, aluminium windows have you covered. Their robustness and strength make them one of the most secure windows on the market when combined with sophisticated locking systems. For a more secure home, aluminium windows are a safe choice. 

  1. Long-lasting 

Replacing your windows can be an expensive process so you want to make sure that they are an investment that will last. If longevity is a worry then aluminium windows are a great choice as they are considerably more weather-resistant than other materials giving them a long lifespan. Aluminium windows are also not susceptible to warping or cracking so they will look their best for a long time to come with minimal effort. 

  1. Energy-efficiency

Not only do the right windows make your home a brighter place to live but they should make your home a warmer place too. Thanks to their excellent thermal performance, in some cases, aluminium windows can improve heat gain by up to 60%. This is a difference that you will undoubtedly feel. 

  1. Flexible design

It is not only performance that aluminium windows have going for them but they are aesthetically pleasing too. As mentioned above, aluminium windows are available in a range of colours and styles so it has never been easier to find the right style to match your home. Although aluminium windows are extremely durable, they are also very flexible in their design. This means with aluminium windows the design possibilities are endless.

Sounds good right? Well, the benefits of aluminium windows go on and on. To really experience their advantages we recommend trying them for yourself. 

But before you do, it is important to choose a trusted window installer to carry out the installation for the best results. 

At BBL Windows, we believe that none of our customers should settle for anything less than perfect which is why we take great pride in every installation. We have built strong relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers over the years meaning that we can guarantee the highest quality products. We have built a prestigious reputation across London and the surrounding areas as window specialists so you know when you choose BBL Windows, your home is in capable hands. 

If you’re looking to install aluminium windows in your home in London or the surrounding areas, get in touch with us and a member of our team will be happy to discuss the options available. Or better yet, use our online tool to design your aluminium windows your way and receive a free quote today. 

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Front Door

Your front door plays an integral role in not only the appearance of your home but is also responsible for helping to keep your home secure. 

With so many different styles and materials available, when you’re in the market for a new front door, the decision can be a difficult one. 

In this article, our team answers some of the most common questions homeowners have when it comes to front doors to make deciding on a new door that bit easier. 

Question 1: Which is better, a composite or uPVC door? 

Composite and uPVC doors are both very popular with homeowners – but which is better? 

To answer this, it is important to consider your priorities when it comes to a front door. Take your budget, for example. If you’re on a smaller budget but don’t want to have to compromise on quality then a uPVC front door is a low-maintenance and cost-friendly option. 

On the other hand, the benefit of a composite door compared to a single-material door is that they utilise the benefits of different materials so, in effect, flaws are able to be designed out. 

With that being said, the composite door can be considerably more expensive than its uPVC counterpart. However, unlike uPVC doors, composite doors aren’t as susceptible to discolouration meaning that they will stay looking their best for longer making them a worthwhile investment. 

Composite doors are also very robust. This means that when combined with a sophisticated locking system they are extremely secure. 

As you can see, a composite door has numerous advantages over a uPVC door, however, this does come with a higher price tag. 

Question 2: What should I look for when buying a front door? 

When purchasing a new front door, it can be easy to focus on appearance but this doesn’t always make for a quality door. Yes, it is important that your front door looks good but if it is poor-quality then this can leave your home vulnerable to break-ins or your door will need replacing more quickly. 

So, how can you tell whether a door is good quality? Well, there are a few things to look out for. 

The first thing is that a quality front door will be highly secure and fitted with superior locking mechanisms in order to best protect your home. 

A quality front door will also require little maintenance to keep it looking its best and in working order. 

Weather-resistance is another thing you need to check for as your front door is constantly exposed to the elements. You will want a door that is less susceptible to warping, rotting or discolouration. 

And, of course, the appearance of the door will undoubtedly play a deciding factor when buying a new door. It is important that your front door is not only aesthetically appealing but matches the aesthetic and character of your home. 

Question 3: Should the inside of your door be white? 

You may have put a lot of thought into selecting the right colour for the exterior of your front door but when it comes to the colour for the inside of your front door, it can leave homeowners stumped about what colour it should be. Should it be white? Should it match the colour of the outside your door? Well. there is no right answer. It really would depend on the look you are going for.

If you are looking for a simple and yet elegant solution then opting for a white or off-white interior is a great way to seamlessly connect the inside of your front door with the other doors throughout your home. 

However, if your other doors throughout your home are white, the interior of your front door can be used to add a splash of colour and create a feature in a neutral setting. A bright yellow, for example, will light up and bring personality to the interior of your home. 

Question 4: What type of front door is the most secure? 

We all want to, and have the right to, feel safe in our homes. Your front door is not only an entryway for guests but is often a prime target for burglars looking to get inside of your home. This means that choosing the right material for your front door can help to protect your home against break-ins. 

But which type of front door is the most secure? 

In terms of security, it is important for your front door to not only be durable but also robust in order to withstand any punishment a would-be burglar may throw at it. When it comes to strength, despite being lightweight, it doesn’t get much stronger than an aluminium door. When combined with sophisticated locking systems, this makes aluminium doors one of the most secure doors on the market. 

Choose BBL Windows for a new front door

One of the best and safest ways to ensure that you receive a quality front door is by choosing a front door from a trusted door supplier and installer. 

At BBL Windows, we are dedicated to ensuring that all of our products are manufactured to the highest standard so that each of our customers receives a product that they can rely upon. For almost 10 years, we have strived to build a prestigious reputation with our customers by delivering high-quality products and first-class service. 

If you’re looking for a new front door for your home in London and the surrounding areas, get in touch with us and a member of our team will be happy to assist you. Or, better yet, use our online tool to design a front door to your exact requirements and receive a free quote today. 

3 Reasons Why Coloured Windows & Doors Are An Investment

In the past, white windows were all the range. Today, homeowners are being more adventurous and coloured windows are rapidly growing in popularity. 

With a greater range of shades to choose from, more and more homeowners are using colour to enhance the aesthetics of their homes. Not only are coloured windows aesthetically pleasing but they have numerous advantages. Let’s take a look at why opting for coloured windows is a worthwhile investment. 

Increased kerb appeal

Your windows are one of the first things people see when visiting, or walking past your home so it is important to make the right impression. With coloured windows, you can make your home stand out from your neighbours. The colour you choose for the frames can completely transform the appearance of your home. Grey windows, for example, give a classic and timeless feel. By opting for a brighter colour like yellow you can create a warm and inviting aesthetic that will get heads turning. So, in terms of increased kerb appeal, coloured windows are the obvious choice. 

Add value to your home

You may not realise it but the colour you choose for your windows or doors can actually, in fact, increase the value of your home. This is because not only will your home be more desirable to potential buyers but it will also set your property apart from its competitors. Therefore, if you’re struggling to sell your home, coloured windows or doors may just be what your home needs to sell and at a higher price too. Coloured windows or doors which are unique to your home may just make a difference for a potential buyer choosing your property. 

Reflect your personality

If you are the type of person who likes to stand out from the crowd then coloured windows and doors are a great way to express your personality. The colour you choose should reflect your personal taste and give off a feeling that is unique to you. If you want to make your home pop then bright yellow and red are one of the most popular colours of windows and doors to do just that. If you’re a bit more subtle, then more natural colours will give a traditional look. 

As you can see, if you’re looking to revamp the appearance of your home or perhaps you want to set your home apart from others then just by carefully considering the colour of your windows or doors you can make a big impact. 

But before you go investing in new coloured windows or doors, it is important to choose a trusted door or window installer to carry out the installation. 

At BBL Windows, we take pride in delivering exceptional service to all of our customers. Made in the UK by leading door and window manufacturers, we are confident that our products will meet your expectations.

If you are looking for high-quality windows or doors available in a stunning range of colours then look no further. Get in touch with us and a member of our team will be happy to discuss the best colour for your home. Or, better yet, use our online tool to design your new windows or doors to your exact requirements and receive a free quote today. 

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